Dialogue marketing – 5 opportunities for SMEs

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We learned about the latest trends in dialog marketing for our customers at the CO-REACH dialog marketing trade show. In the process, we identified five opportunities that SMEs in particular can exploit for themselves:

Seize dialog marketing opportunities:

Opportunity 1:
Get serious about CRM, improving the basis for directly addressing target and existing customers.

Opportunity 2:
Use direct marketing in a mix of print mailings and e-mailings – ensures the best of both worlds and usually good R.O.I.

Opportunity 3:
Do not underestimate eMail marketing but create interest with relevant content – then open and click rates will also fit.

Opportunity 4:
(Re-)discover social media – especially in medium-sized businesses, neither saturation nor exhaustion are discernible.

Opportunity 5:
Understand content better as the linchpin for its activities. If the content is good, everything else is easier to achieve with you.

“The impressions at the trade show have once again confirmed for us that dialog marketing still offers a lot of potential. This is especially true for medium-sized companies and SMEs, as concrete results can be tracked with budgets that can be planned well”, Lutz Eckardt, CEO at Effecticore, summarizes the findings.

A prerequisite for good results and a good return on investment is rock-solid planning. Only those who develop a dialog marketing strategy that is perfectly tailored to the target group and its needs will be able to fully exploit the opportunities.

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